MEDIRADimport Reconciliation Workflow Integration Profile establishes a flow of information that supports the efficient importation of DICOM patient data from an external enterprise. It provides specifies transactions that maintain the use of consistent patient/procedure information between the data being imported and the local enterprise, while maintaining the integrity of the original data. DICOM Patient data imported into the local enterprise can be used in the same manner as DICOM data created by the local enterprise, such as reporting.
Reduce Errors and Enhance Patient Care
- Prevents missing data from other sites because the PACS is able to import data sent on interchange media and integrate it with the patient’s record
- Prevents mismatched patient identifiers in data imported from interchange media from other institutions because the PACS reconciles this information to local values at import time
Improve Data Accessibility
- Improves access to other sites’ data—the PACS can import and reconcile patient and diagnostic information on interchange media from other institutions and clinics.
The MEDIRADimport Reconciliation Workflow Integration Profile:
- Specifies both the data and workflow requirements for importing existing DICOM Evidence Objects and importing Hardcopy from an external Enterprise.
- Provides a process to reconcile imported patient and procedure information with local patient and procedure information through the use of Worklist and Patient Demographics Query.
- Specifies critical patient demographics (e.g. Patient Name, Patient ID) and order/procedure Information (e.g. Accession Number) which is important since the local Enterprise will typically have different identifiers (for patient, orders, etc.) from the Enterprise that created the Evidence Objects or Hardcopy being imported.
- Specifies a mechanism for preserving a copy of the original values inside the imported DICOM Composite Objects when attribute values must be changed.
- Ensures that DICOM images, reports and other evidence objects associated with a particular import have been archived.
- Ensures that the status of importation workflow steps are known throughout the department by specifying the use of DICOM Performed Procedure Step to convey that status from the Evidence Creator to the RIS and the PACS.